Roze Zaterdag Zaanstad
Pink Saturday is coming to 075 on 28 June 2025! We are more than proud that the iconic event for the lhbtiqa+ community is coming to our beautiful region. Zaans Groen is history, as the theme for this edition is ‘The Zaan region in all colours’. With this, we stress that everyone is welcome, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, origin or religion. Until 2025!
Why Pink Saturday?
During Pink Saturday on 17 June 2023 in Goes, we received the redeeming result: Zaanstad may organise the national Pink Saturday in 2025! We are incredibly proud that this event that stands for inclusion, acceptance, anti-discrimination and equality is coming to Zaanstad.
For years, the Zaanse Rainbow Foundation has been active in the Zaan region, with the annual ZaanPride as its festive highlight. The arrival of Pink Saturday in our rainbow municipality is the icing on the cake.
Zaanstad is a place where everyone is allowed to feel at home as well as themselves. Unfortunately, research and daily experiences within the lhbtiqa+ community show that this is not always the case. That is why it is extremely important that we work together to make this event a great success.
Are you curious how Zaanstad managed to convince the Pink Saturday Foundation that Zaanstad is the place for Pink Saturday in 2025? Read the bid book here!
What are we going to do?
You can count on an extensive programme for young and old during Pink Saturday 075. Of course we will celebrate, but there will also be room for protest, discussion and reflection. What exactly we will do we will reveal in the coming months. Want to stay up to date? Then follow us on Instagram via RozeZaterdag075.
Pink Saturday starts much earlier for the Zaan region. The Zaanse Rainbow programmes cosy activities throughout the year. We also pay extensive attention to Coming Out Day and various Zaan parties organise surprising events.
The Zaan region in every colour
The theme for Pink Saturday in 2025 is: The Zaan region in all colours! Why did we specifically choose this theme?
National and international tourists know the area well. Think for instance of the Zaanse Schans with its iconic windmills and green wooden houses, attracting millions of tourists every year. The centre of Zaandam is also full of icons, such as the colourful Hotel Inntel, the Czaar Peterhuisje and the Verkade factories.
The Zaan region has a colourful past. As Europe's first industrial area, the Zaan region attracted all kinds of nationalities as early as the 17th century. Because of the wood industry, many came to the Zaan region to work and live. Over the centuries, many migrants found their way to the Zaan region. Especially after World War II, this brought a huge growth of nationalities, both continental and intercontinental. You will therefore find few municipalities of this scale (almost 160,000 inhabitants) that offer a home to more than 180 nationalities.
The timber construction industry also caused colour to be expressed in a different way. Previously, wooden houses in the Zaan region were only primed. That had a red/brown colour. When you could afford it, the wood was finished with a nicer, brighter colour. Among others, the Blue House, painted by French impressionist Claude Monet, which still stands in Zaandam today, is a fine example. Also d