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2QT's Beyond the Binary

2QT (pronounced too cutie) stands for Queer Questioning (and/or) Trans, not necessarily in that order, and we like to go Beyond the (gender) Binary!

Are you trans/genderfluid/non-binary/agender/questioning/insert non-cis identity here? In short, non-cis gendered? Then this support group is for you! And we would like to invite you to come together and talk about stuff and share stories.

This support group is organised by Queer Rotterdam and led by, Lucía / Lu!, non-binary, transfemme, originally from Brazil and ever striving to be fabulous. Together with the amazing Laura, we are ready to explore gender and "queer stuff" with the community.

We are very happy to be able to host this support group at the Queer Rotterdam space and add to the amazing effort of community building happening there. However the space is only accessible through stairs, so even though we will do everything in our power to accommodate your needs, we know it is not the same thing.

We also want to say that if it is your first time and you are unsure about the meeting, you can always contact us via email or DM and we can arrange a buddy for you to come with or for you to arrive early and meet/talk to the organizers.

For more info or sign up check the Queer Rotterdam website (link in ticket link)
2QT's Beyond the Binary
Social/CommunityQ+Support Group
Tue 02/07
19:00 - 22:00
The Hole, Rotterdam

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