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All About Me & My Mother - Indie Nile

CC Amstel + Amsterdam Fringe Festival present Indie Nile's latest drag therapy show: 'All About Me & My Mother'

A six-month residency series including special guests and appearances.

Winner of the main prize at the Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2022.

Funny, emotional, and psychological. 'All About Me & My Mother' is about the relationship with your mother. And what there is still to discuss. Sometimes things go wrong. But that's where Indie Nile's 'drag therapy' comes in. Because in the show, Indie appears on stage as a drag version of his mother. As the ultimate confrontation and reconciliation.

Hate and loveDuring the stand-up sections of the show, he speaks in his own voice as the man struggling with the love-hate relationship with his mother. During the lip-sync sections, he becomes his mother while lip-syncing to her voice and dramatic pop songs that tell her life story.

Laughing at traumasIn Indie's own words: “I believe that when you're ready to laugh at your trauma, you begin to heal it. That's how I know I'm finally ready to tell you a story about me and my mother. The full story with all its ups and downs.”

With guest performances:

- Wednesday, 8 November 2023 - HAIR SALON "Oops I Became my Mother" (drag artist Banana Mouskouri)

- Saturday, 9 December 2023 - WHAT IS A MOTHER (interactive storytelling session with performance artist and actress Margo van de Linde)

- Saturday, 27 January 2024 - HAIR SALON "Oops I Became my Mother" (drag artist Banana Mouskouri)

- Saturday, 24 February 2024 - The Mother Artist: Panel Discussion. Indie moderates a thought-provoking discussion between mothers who are artists from different disciplines.

- Friday, 22 March 2024 - PAINTING THE PERFECT MOTHER (performance artist Eva Bartels will take feedback from the audience as she live paints a charcoal painting of the perfect mother. The mother we all need)

- Wednesday, 17 April 2024 - HAIR SALON "Oops I Became my Mother" (drag artist Banana Mouskouri)


Winnaar hoofdprijs jury Amsterdam Fringe Festival 2022.

CC Amstel + Amsterdam Fringe Festival present Indie Nile's latest drag therapy show:  'All About Me & My Mother'

A six months residency series including special quests and appearances. 

Grappig, emotioneel en psychologisch. All About Me & My Mother gaat over de relatie met je moeder. En wat er nog te bespreken valt. Soms gaat gaan er wel dingen mis. Maar daar is ‘dragtherapie’ van Indie Nile voor. Want in de show verschijnt Indie op het podium als een dragversie van zijn moeder. Als ultieme confrontatie en verzoening. 

haat en liefdeTijdens de stand-up secties van de show spreekt hij met zijn eigen stem als de man die worstelt met de haat-liefdeverhouding met zijn moeder. Tijdens de lip-sync secties wordt hij zijn moeder terwijl hij lipsynchroniseert met haar stem en dramatische popsongs die haar levensverhaal vertellen.

lachen om trauma'sIn Indie’s eigen woorden: “Ik geloof dat wanneer je klaar bent om te lachen om je trauma, je het begint te helen. Dat is hoe ik weet dat ik eindelijk klaar ben om je een verhaal over mij en mijn moeder te vertellen. Het volledige verhaal met al zijn hoogte- en dieptepunten”. 

With guest performances:

- Wednesday, 8 November 2023 - HAIR SALON "Oops I Became my Mother" (drag artist Banana Mouskouri)

- Saturday, 9 December 2023 - WHAT IS A MOTHER (interactive storytelling session with performance artist and actress Margo van de Linde)

- Saturday, 27 January 2024 - HAIR SALON "Oops I Became my Mother" (drag artist Banana Mouskouri)

- Saturday, 24 February 2024 - The Mother Artist: Panel Discussion. Indie moderates a thought-provoking discussion between mothers who are artists from different disciplines.

- Friday, 22 March 2024 - PAINTING THE PERFECT MOTHER (performance artist Eva Bartels will take feedback from the audience as she live paints a charcoal painting of the perfect mother. The mother we all need)

- Wednesday, 17 April 2024 - HAIR SALON "Oops I Became my Mother" (drag artist Banana Mouskouri)

All About Me & My Mother - Indie Nile
Sat 27/01
20:00 - 22:00
CC Amstel, Amsterdam

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