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Ontwerp Zonder Titel (33)

Book Launch - Mind Mirage - Studio Rik Versteeg

19:30 - 20:00

Walk In - Photobooth

Welcome Drinks - Get your picture taken in a Signature Versteeg Photobooth.

20:15 - 21:00

Meet the Maker Talk - With Joana Cavaco &Rik Versteeg

During this talk, we will talk in-depth about the book Mind Mirage, the projects that are shown in the book, and the making process. Joana Cavaco will moderate the talk. After the talk there will be a short Q&A to ask your questions.

21:00 - 22:30


It's time to celebrate the book launch together and connect. If you already ordered a book, you can pick up your copy. This is also your chance to be one of the first to get a copy of the book, and review the book.

Book Launch - Mind Mirage - Studio Rik Versteeg
Art/CultureBooks & LiteraturePhotography
Thu 21/03
19:30 - 23:00
Huidenclub Rotterdam, Rotterdam

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