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🌀 8 Feb | Angel D’lite - All Night Long, Spekki Webu, Nawaz 🌀

Get ready for a night of sonic metamorphosis at RAUM, where mastery and originality take center stage.

🌌 Studio:Making her debut all-night-long set, South London’s @angel_d_lite will weave an eclectic narrative rooted in UK rave culture. Expect flawless blends of UK bass, hardcore, breakbeat, and touches of trance, creating an immersive journey that inspires and educates. 💎

🌠 The Expo:Step into the pulsating heart of Delft’s signature ‘wormhole’ sound with:

  • @spekkiwebu.mirrorzone – A visionary and pioneer behind @mirrorzone.records, crafting otherworldly, mind-bending soundscapes.
  • @nawazworldwide – A maestro of loops and sonic manipulation, drawing you into a deep mental spiral. 🪬

✨ Come early, stay late, and experience a night of pure originality.

🎟️ Tickets: Available now – don’t miss out.

Club/NightlifeElectronic Music
Sat 08/02
Sun 09/02
Club Raum, Amsterdam

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