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Collaborative Queer Book Club

WHAT: Collaborative Queer Book club 📖

WHEN: Saturday, 28th September, from 14:30 to 16:30

WHERE: The Hole (Zoutziedersstraat 20, Rotterdam)

Books of Queervolution #1: Be Queer. Do Queer. Between and beyond the labels.

What does it mean to be queer? Do “LGBT(+)” and “Queer” mean the same? How do our identity affect us and our place in society?

Books for Queervolution is not the usual book club but a collaborative one. A gathering to discuss about queer topics, following the words written by queer people for queer people. There is not just one book assigned. Every participant is invited to choose a book, an article, a zine or any text that they read and they find fitting to the topic of queer identity, being and living as queer, labels and how this affects their life.

Then everyone will have the opportunity to present what they brought (giving some quotes from the text and explaining what they find interesting about it) and it will be discussed together, combining different points of view and different sources in order to enrich our collective knowledge.

It is not mandatory to bring any text but strongly encouraged! We will also provide some sources to allow everyone to participate in the conversation.

We will focus on nonfiction, but fiction is a tool that can be used to understand and shape reality.

Do you have any questions? Do you want suggestions on something to read? Feel free to DM us on Instagram or send an email to

Register on our website:

Collaborative Queer Book Club
Social/CommunityEducationalBooks & Literature
Sat 28/09
14:30 - 16:30
The Hole, Rotterdam
Sign up via the Queer Rotterdam website (link in the description)

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