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Ontwerp Zonder Titel (41)

Depiction: The First Supper

How do you digest change? Can you taste it and then order something else? HEN serves 'The First Supper', an interactive performance about dealing with change, inspired by the transition of founder Mart (hen/their). Take a seat at the table, break bread with the musicians and let yourself be taken along five courses of story, music and improvisation.

With vulnerable lyrics, warm harmonies and stirring rhythms, Mart takes you into their story without heroes or victims, but full of messy beauty about what it feels like to be in change.

Order your ticket(s) here.

About Mart

Mart has a background in anthropology and has been writing music from a young age. Hen grew up in choirs and that preference for polyphony can still be heard in their work. Intimate Dutch lyrics that touch on major social themes are combined with compelling harmony and influences from folk, classical and cabaret. In 2023, Mart was associated with Podium NOORD as a maker to develop from songwriter to theater maker. The performance 'The First Supper' is the result of this.

Mart: “The First Supper is a very personal story, but it is mainly about universal things that we all experience. Queer stories are still alienating for many people. This performance not only brings them closer, but also shows that they are universal stories that are of value to everyone, not just to queer people themselves. There is nothing older than sharing a meal, making music and talking about the day. The First Supper brings together today's questions with age-old traditions of eating, toasting and singing.”

About them

Ensemble Hen was founded in 2024 by Mart and consists of Nele Mennes, Tara Reece, Ruggero Di Luisi, Laia Escartin and Inda Duran. The First Supper is their first production and they are already wanting more. The name of the ensemble came about after a question from local resident Hans about the use of the pronoun Hen: “is that the band name?”

Depiction: The First Supper
Show/ConcertLive MusicPerformanceStorytelling
Sun 19/05
20:00 - 21:30
Duits Evangelische Kerk, Den Haag

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