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Dorothy's Drag Night

Did someone mention drag queens? Well, you're in luck because they're lining up to perform for you at Dorothy's! 🌈 Saturday, March 2nd, we're hosting another fabulous drag night! 🎉 Join us for the debut performance of @special.ke4you , a familiar face as the doorbitch at many parties, but also delivering spectacular performances on stage. And of course, our guests never come alone. She'll be joined by the live-singing drag sensation, our very own Groninger diva, @miss.dolly.wood ! And let's not forget our fantastic host, the one and only beloved @jezze.jezzebel , who'll make this evening a hysterical blast! Make sure you're there on

Saturday, March 2nd, starting at 9 PM! 💃🏼✨

#DorothysDragNight #SpecialKe #DollyWood

Dorothy's Drag Night
Show/ConcertDragCabaret & Comedy
Sat 02/03
Sun 03/03
Dorothy’s Dragbar, Groningen

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