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Ellen's Ellendige Pubquiz

You know Ellen – she never fails to amaze us with her creative themes, and this time is no exception. After the astounding success of our previous event, we're diving into a daring and exciting category: "Making Whoopee." 💥

Just a heads up, this one's strictly for the grown-ups (18+)!Think you're an expert on all things spicy and intimate? 😉

This is your chance to put your knowledge to the ultimate test. Join us this Friday at 9 pm for an unforgettable evening. 🕘

The best part? There's no entry fee at all! 💰

Rally your dream team or fly solo – everyone's welcome. And if you decide to brave it alone, fear not! You're more than welcome to team up with fellow quiz enthusiasts. 👥 🎈📚

Ellen's Ellendige Pubquiz
Fri 24/05
21:00 - 01:00
Dorothy’s Dragbar, Groningen

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