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Farida Laan: Zakkenwassers

Zakkenwassers by Farida Laan

Step into the unique world of cabaret artist Farida Laan in Zakkenwassers. Known for her captivating blend of performance art and spoken word, Laan won hearts at the Amsterdams Kleinkunst Festival and drew praise for her extraordinary originality. A former visual artist, Laan exchanged her studio for the stage, a move that quickly earned her the Shaffy Cheque at AKF and recognition for her remarkable talent.

In Zakkenwassers, Laan introduces us to her street, inhabited by an eclectic cast of characters. Who’s knocking at the door? And what quiet yearning lies behind each visit? From a city-dwelling chip shop owner to a wandering hairdresser, an idealistic craft collective, or simply emptiness itself—Laan’s world is absurdist and magical. It’s a dizzying, yet uplifting journey through her surreal universe.

Show is in Dutch.

Farida Laan: Zakkenwassers
Musical/TheaterCabaret & ComedyPerformance
Wed 23/04
20:00 - 22:00
Ledeltheater Oostburg, Oostburg

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