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Film: Tripoli / A Tale of Three Cities - IDFA

While living abroad, a queer filmmaker occasionaly returns to his hometown of Tripoli, Lebanon. His quest to confront the city that once rejected him inspires reflections that give the film the character of an urban symphony.

Rafei interviews a cross-section of the city’s inhabitants about a wide range of topics—with several recurring protagonists, including a queer artist and a young left-wing politician. The common thread is the director’s curiosity about the cultural attitudes of Tripoli’s residents and their willingness to embrace new ideas. Sometimes the conversations take place one-on-one, for example in the intimacy of a bedroom. But at another point, a whole legion of municipal workers are interviewed on the street.

The documentary paints a picture of a city trapped in a self-spun web, paralyzed by a severe economic crisis and a faltering revolution. Among the highly diverse population, fears of an approaching Doomsday prevail.

Film: Tripoli / A Tale of Three Cities - IDFA
Fri 22/11
14:00 - 15:30
Pathé Amsterdam Noord, Amsterdam

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