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Ontwerp Zonder Titel (40)

Film: We are Here

As part of Pride The Hague we are showing the Chinese documentary film “We are Here”. Afterwards a conversation with 2 of the makers.

About the movie

What happens when 300 lesbian women from around the world attend the United Nations' largest conference? How did two buses full of lesbians heading to an underground nightclub help spark a lala (LBT) movement in China?

During the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, a lesbian tent was set up for the first time during a UN NGO forum. In the tent, ideas were shared, connections were made, identities were confirmed… with a growing energy for change.

“We Are Here”, Director: Shi Tou and Jing Zhao, 2015, Chinese/English subtitles, Color, 58 minutes

Film: We are Here
Thu 16/05
19:30 - 22:00
COC Haaglanden, Den Haag

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