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Kopie Van Queer Amsterdam (19)

Gay Forcing Pride 2024 (Bridge Drive)

On Sunday, August 4, like last year, there will be a festive drive in honor of Queer Amsterdam 2024. We cordially invite everyone to join us this Sunday to play bridge in community center Lydia at Roelof Hartplein 2 in Amsterdam.

Starting time is 13.00, but come half an hour earlier. Guests are welcome for free. Register at no later than Sunday morning August 4 at 8.00. Preferably in pairs. Alone is also possible, in which case we will pair you with another person coming alone if possible.

We will give the drive a pink touch. The message is: bridgers are also inclusive and celebrate diversity.

Gay Forcing Pride 2024 (Bridge Drive)
Sports/WellnessSocial GatheringGaming
Sun 04/08
13:00 - 17:30
Buurthuis Lydia, Amsterdam

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