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GENDER*LANGUAGE: Ambiguous Relations

Gender*Language is returning to RADION on 28 November for its last event of 2024!

We’ll bring a curated selection of performance, installation & conversation to look back on Gender*Language’s first publication year as we transfer artistic projects and involved makers from the online space to a live, offline setting.

Thus far, Gender*Language has engaged with three themes: dynamics of objectification, particularities of language, and coded existence. The search for a common thread among these publication themes brought us to ‘Ambiguous Relations’ — being at odds with the world, others, but also ourselves. In the words of Moritz Friedhofen ‘Enjoy the bliss of confusion and chaos’.

Thursday 28 November
19:00—23:00at RADION

In conversation withEleni Maragkou, Juno Dijkshoorn, and Kuntenserven

Performances byFyn Paulina Bonita, Kaiden Ford, MARICXS, and R3LN4CHT

Installations byFyn Paulina Bonita, Joy Bomer, and Prins de Vos

About Gender*LanguageGender*Language is an archive of collective knowledge. A series of queer perspectives on the intersection of gender and language expressed through a variety of online and offline media.

Supported by the AFK (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts).

GENDER*LANGUAGE: Ambiguous Relations
Art/CultureNetworkingSocial Gathering
Thu 28/11
19:00 - 22:00
Radion, Amsterdam

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