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As winter’s darkness surrounds us, light and laughter lead the way forward...    

On Friday, December 20th, PAX-ROMANA: SATURNALIA invites you to a night of playful warmth at RADION.  

Step into a celebration where roles are reversed and joy runs free. Expect wild rhythms and energy as we lose ourselves in the primal ceremony of the night 🎭

RADION: Boris | GiGi FM | JS Park (live) | Laura van Hal | Oceanic | Markus Suckut  

Be extraordinary, creative, sexified, kinky, unusual or insane, but most of all express your identity.

Friday, December 20th | 11PM - 9AM  


Age 21 +  

Having a ticket does not guarantee admission  


No photos, No videos  


No Hate, No Discrimination, No Racism, No Sexism, No Queerphobia... Only PAX 

We strive to create a community space where the public, artists, creators, and organizations from all identities, visible or not, can be themselves, be respected, and most importantly feel safe. A place where we can build a community together. A space of togetherness where we can unify, empower and flourish with each other.


During PAX-ROMANA we share -as a singular collective- love and passion for underground music, self-expression, culture, and most of all each other. The dance floor offers a way to protest, unite, celebrate, and to express our identities.

Artwork by: Antonie Koenen

Club/NightlifeFetish & EroticElectronic Music
Fri 20/12
Sat 21/12
Radion, Amsterdam

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