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Pride Comedy - IDAHOT

On May 19, Pride Comedy returns to Amsterdam to celebrate IDAHOT with an amazing lineup of English-language comedians! Come laugh and enjoy a wonderful afternoon where LGBTQ comedians share life lessons, riveting stories, and of course, piping hot jokes. The line-up of performers represents all levels and life stages, from emerging talents to experienced comedians.

About Theater Mascini:

Mascini: Café-restaurant-theater, located at Zeedijk 24A, in the center. The theater seats 45 visitors and has a small stage - one drum set deep - with a fine, tuned Bechstein piano. The intimate atmosphere makes the space ideal for professional performances and small group try-outs.

Pride Comedy - IDAHOT
Sun 19/05
16:00 - 18:00
Theater Mascini, Amsterdam

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