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Ontwerp Zonder Titel (38)

Pride The Hague Opening


Pride The Hague starts on May 17, the annual International Day against Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans and Intersexphobia (IDAHOBIT). On or around that date, worldwide attention is drawn to the social undesirability of discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, expression or gender characteristics. On this day we also celebrate sexual, gender and gender diversity. A fitting moment for us to start Pride The Hague in The Hague, the international city of peace and justice.


Discover the power of stories during the opening of Pride on May 17 in Amare! This year we celebrate 'Sharing Stories,' a theme that spotlights the stories of the queer community.

The program consists of three short Pride Panels and performances by queer artists. There will also be a Queer Market. We will end the evening festively with a DJ.

The Pride Opening takes place on the Kunstenplein (ground floor) of Amare and is freely accessible. The entrance starts at 7:00 PM, the first speech starts around 7:45 PM and the evening lasts until approximately 11:00 PM.

Pride Panels

– Hague Queer Storytellers : Hear more from the inspiring Hague Storytellers from Pride The Hague's Sharing Stories project– Safety : Discussion of important issues regarding safety in the queer community.– Queer Art : Discover the impact of art within queer culture and its role in sharing stories.

Queer Market

In addition to the panels, we are also organizing an inspiring Queer market this evening. At this market you will find (The Hague) queer organizations that are committed to the queer community in The Hague and the surrounding area all year round.

We look forward to celebrating Pride The Hague with you and experiencing an inspiring weekend full of stories and connection. Together let's be proud of who we are and share the stories that connect us.

Pride The Hague Opening
Fri 17/05
19:00 - 23:00
Amare, Den Haag

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