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With Mary Jane Holland Lilly Akuma 2

Queer Artist Open Podium

Are you a true star at voguing, reading poetry, singing or drag? Or do you shine brightest behind the scenes through photography, videography or stage management?

Then we are looking for you!

Together with Mary Jane Holland & Lilly Akuma we present the monthly Queer Artist Open Stage, where we welcome every and any talent!

This is a stage for everyone, regardless of age, language or background.

Would you like to put your talent in the spotlights? Sign up for the stage through the application form.

In case you have any questions, feel free to ask them to Mary Jane Holland & Lilly Akuma through Instagram.

Don’t want to perform yourself? Then join us to watch the performances and support your friends!


In samenwerking met Mary Jane Holland en Lilly Akuma presenteren we maandelijks het Queer Artist Open Podium, waar elk talent welkom is!

Dit is een podium voor iedereen: elke leeftijd, elke taal, elke achtergrond.

Wil jij je talent in de spotlights zetten? Meld je dan aan via het formulier.

Mocht je vragen hebben, dan kun je terecht bij Mary Jane Holland en Lilly Akuma via Instagram.

Niet zelf optreden? Kom dan langs om je vrienden te supporten!

Queer Artist Open Podium
Show/ConcertLive MusicPerformance
Sun 27/10
18:00 - 23:00
Lavender Haarlem, Haarlem

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