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Queer Boulders 070

Cutiessss!! Next month PRIDE THE HAGUE is happening! In light of this, we’ll organize a special edition on Monday, the 13th of May at @boulderhalwalhalla 🌈

In light of pride The Hague we want to do some more community bonding this meetup! We will have stickers where you can put your name and pronouns on (if you want), so we can recognize eachother while bouldering in the gym! And at 20:30 we will have some snacks and you can join in on a Queer 30 seconds game! Also, if you feel like dressing up; dresscode = colors of pride! 🌈

• 19:00 Walk in

• 19:30 free bouldering introduction for beginners

• 20:30 snacks and queer 30 seconds game

Note that everyone is always happy to help out, no need to be a pro. You’re also very welcome to come by and just chill and if you don’t feel like being active. Still nice to experience the sense of community 💜

Come find us at the PRIDE FLAGS! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

Entrance: € 13,- (or Subscription, Punchcard or One-Fit)

P.s. if you don’t go bouldering but just come by to chill with us / cheer others on, you don’t need to pay entrance! 💰

See you @ Boulderhal Walhalla 🧗🏻‍♀️🧗🏾

For more info on Pride The Hague, go check out @pridethehague or their website!


Queer Boulders 070
Sports/WellnessSportsSocial Gathering
Mon 13/05
19:00 - 23:00
Boulderhall Walhalla, Den Haag

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