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Kopie Van Queer Amsterdam (15)

Queer Double Toernooi Tennis

Join us for the Queer Double Day Tournament! After last year’s fantastic first edition, Smashing Pink is again organizing the Queer Double Day Tournament, a day of playing, meeting, fun and sportsmanship! We organize this tennis tournament during Queer Pride Amsterdam and it is open to everyone, both members of Smashing Pink and non-members (m/f/x).

Important :

  • You play with the same partner all day long.
  • You play in a pool against other couples. After the pool phase there are matches for 3rd, 2nd and 1st place.
  • There is 1 category (m/f/x) where everyone is welcome! The division is based on playing strength.
  • Matches last 50 minutes. Before each match there is a 10 minute warm-up period.
  • You can 

Start: 10:00. Arrive: 9:30.Award ceremony at 18:00. It is not possible to leave earlier!Registration is possible until July 17th. There are 48 spots, so register quickly.Registration = participation.Costs: 10 euros per personContact details: tc@smashing.pinkLocation: Amstelpark, Koenenkade 8.

We look forward to seeing you!

Organization Queer Double Day Tournament: Cindy, Marion and Petra

Queer Double Toernooi Tennis
Sun 28/07
10:00 - 17:00
Amstelpark Tennisclub, Amsterdam

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