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Ontwerp Zonder Titel (20)

Queer Gym Library

A queer reading group where words spark connection and adventure. Dive into our free library for a work-out for your body and mind!

Would you like to share experiences, adventures and knowledge via text? Join one or our Reading Groups!

We have invited members of the queer community to read with us and connect with words on and off the page.

Zines, poetry, graphic novels, fiction and more!

Text is a starting point of our library, you are always welcome without reading (all) the words!


At Queer Gym we also run a physical Library. Read our books at the gym or take them home to read in your own time.

The Library is free!

We will note your name and the date that you took a book home.

Queer Gym Library
Art/CultureBooks & LiteraturePoetry & Spoken WordWorkshop/Crafts
Sat 16/11
12:00 - 13:30
Queer Gym, Rotterdam

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