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Roze Eettafel 50+

4th Friday of the Month: Dinner TableEnjoy a three-course meal for just €8.50 (excluding drinks).

50plus COC Midden-Nederland 🌈

The Rainbow Group: Connection, Fun, and Community

Who are we?The Rainbow Group 50plus COC Midden-Nederland is a passionate team of volunteers committed to supporting the interests and well-being of LGBTQIA+ individuals aged 50 and older in the Midden-Nederland region.

Who is it for?For everyone approximately 50 years and older, regardless of how you identify within the rainbow community.

Join us or stay informedWould you like to receive our newsletter or learn more about our activities? Send an email to:

Roze Eettafel 50+
Social/CommunitySocial Gathering
Fri 24/01
18:00 - 20:00
De Silokerk, Utrecht

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