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Queer Amsterdam (13)

Sex Worker Festival

The LGBTQIAP+ sex worker community cannot be missed from our program in 2024. We're once again teaming up with sex workers and collectives to bring you a whole range of exciting activities. Guess what? We are taking our event to the next level by introducing the Sex Work Festival on Oudekerksplein.

Get ready for a dazzling showcase with BIPOC trans sex workers, who put their talents center stage. From stunning spoken word to enchanting dance acts, powerful speeches, and beats from top DJs: it will be an explosion of creativity and culture.

Enjoy the chilled atmosphere as you explore the market stalls between 14:00 to 18:00 PM. The show starts at 14:00! Our MC Goddess Coco will kick off the day, followed by a line-up of DJs, performers, spoken word artists, and breathtaking dance acts to give visibility to the sex worker community in Amsterdam.


14:00-18:00 Erotic Market

14:00 Sex Work is Work! by Goddess Coco

14:15 Performance Block by Peach / Indiana / Dana Paola

14:30 DJ Lobo 

15:30 Tip Them! by Goddess Coco

15:35 Performance Block by Coral / Mary Hoochie / Kayden

16:00 DJ Amir 

17:00 We are here to stay! by Goddess Coco

17:05 Performance Block by Majo/ Cisne Negro /Nova Storm / Honey

17: 30 DJ 20 uñas


Coco Goddess (@mynubiangoddess)

DJ Line Up 

DJ Lobo (@yoacin) 

DJ AMIR (@amir.malakebaroud)

DJ Veinte Uñas (@veinteunas) 


Peach (@saidaragas)/ Indiana (@indianaarwen_) /  Mary Hoochie (@maryhoochie) / Kaiden (@Iamkaidenford) /  Majo (@helloiammajo) / Nova Storm (@novastormm) / Cisne Negro (@paholyalvarado_ ) / Dana Paola (@danapaolaarevalosanchez) /  Coral (@co_ral02) / Honey (@thehoneyexperience) 

Erotic Market (14:00 to 18:00) 

Pleasure Nights (@pleasurenights)

Alov Art (@alov_art)

Victoria Catalina (@hello_catalina)


Sex Worker Festival
FestivalSocial GatheringPerformanceWorkshop/Crafts
Fri 26/07
14:00 - 18:00
Oude kerk, Amsterdam

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