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WHAT: Queer Taal Café

WHEN: Tuesday 24th September, 19:00 - 21:00

WHO: Anybody who wants to improve their Dutch speaking skills

WHERE: The Hole (Zoutziedersstraat 20, Rotterdam)

Are you trying to learn Dutch? Do you struggle to say things like “wentelteefje“? Then our Taal cafe is for you! We will have Dutch speaking volunteers that have all the patience in the world to have a nice conversation with Dutch learners of all levels, from beginners to almost fluent speakers, everyone is welcome.

Note that it is NOT a dutch lesson, just a place for dutch learners to come together and practice their conversation skills.

We look forward to seeing you there!

This year Taalcafé will be on:

Tue 25 June

Tue 24 September

Tue 29 October

Tue 26 November

You can sign up for the event via the ticketlink or website (

Tue 24/09
19:00 - 21:00
The Hole, Rotterdam
Sign up via the Queer Rotterdam website (link in the description)

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