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Transgender Groep Nijmegen (1)

TGN Caféavond

A Monthly Gathering at the Roze Huis

Every fourth Friday of the month, a welcoming space opens up at the Roze Huis, St. Anthoniusplaats 1 in Nijmegen, starting at 8:00 PM. This private location offers a relaxed setting for connecting with others in an inclusive and supportive environment.

Feeling a bit nervous about coming alone or for the first time? Send us an email at, and we'll make sure to give you some extra love!

For more info click here to check out the TGN siite

TGN Caféavond
Social/CommunitySocial Gathering
Fri 27/12
20:00 - 22:00
Roze Huis, Nijmegen

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