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Workshop Killjoy, …what?

The Killjoy, …what? project is a workshop series, designed by choreographer Lux Sauer (he/him) and dramaturg Vera Bonder (they/them), in collaboration with COC Midden-Nederland. In This workshop series we invite genderqueer individuals to explore and embody the principles outlined in Sarah Ahmed’s The Feminist Killjoy Handbook. Through a blend of somatic bodywork, movement exploration, and creative assignments, participants will engage in a transformative journey towards self-awareness. Experience your physical presence, engage in reflective writing, and share your thoughts with peers. Let’s build community and empower ourselves through creativity!

The December weekend, titled Merry Crying and Happy Old Fear, will explore how our feminist killjoy identities are shaped during social gatherings like Christmas and New Year’s. We recognize the holiday season can be tense for many genderqueer people, whether due to family dynamics, societal expectations, or feelings of isolation. That’s why we’re creating a supportive and energizing weekend to prepare for the festive season together. Over these two days, we’ll dive more into embodied practices to build resilience, create rituals for navigating moments of stress, and enjoy rest and playfulness. Our wish is to cultivate a strong, connected space within ourselves and our community.

We hope to see you there and continue this journey together in community and care!

Costs: Pay What You Can; recommended prijsrange: 20-50 euros. Lunch on day 1 en dinner on day 2 included.

Follow us @killjoywhat on Instagram or mail us your questions via!

This project is funded by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.

Workshop Killjoy, …what?
Sat 14/12
Sun 15/12
Utrecht, Utrecht

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